Overview of SPA-INFILL
SPA-INFILL is an interactive MATLAB tool that enables performance-based assessment of concrete frame buildings with infills. It automates the construction of 2D and 3D numerical models in OpenSees as well as the seismic performance assessments through nonlinear static and dynamic analyses including incremental dynamic analyses to collapse. The tool (DOWNLOAD HERE) was developed using the object-oriented programing methodology. It consists of a series of MATLAB .m files, functions and classes that serve to assemble the necessary building information and model parameters, generate structural models and post process and visualize the analysis and performance assessment results. The main directory of the tool titled “SPA-INFILL” contains a series of folders where the required MATLAB, text and .tcl files are stored. The tool consists of the following four modules which are illustrated in Figure 1 and discussed in detail later in the manual.
Building Information Assembly (BIA)
OpenSees Model Construction (OMC)
Seismic Performance Assessment (SPA)
Visualization of Results (VOR)

Example Seismic Performance Assessment Results Generated by SPA-INFILL
Pushover Analysis
Figure 2 shows the pushover response plots for a 3D model of an example building for loading in the X- and Z-Direction. The base shear in the pushover curve was normalized by the seismic weight.

Collapse Performance Assessment
The collapse fragility curves for the example building models is shown in Figure 3 for the 3D model with bi-directional loading (22 pairs of ground motions). The 1st mode spectral intensity is used as the intensity measure.