Journal Publications 2020

Journal Publications 2018

Journal Publications 2019
Machine Learning Applications for Building Structural Design and Performance Assessment: State-of-the-Art Review - Sun, H., Burton, H. V. and Huang, H. (2020) Journal of Building Engineering, 101816.
Reliability-Based Design of Force-Controlled Components in Rocking Steel-Braced Frames - Dastmalchi, S. and Burton, H. V. (2020) ASCE Journal of Uncertainty Quantification in Engineering Systems, Part A: Civil Engineering 6(4), 04020040.
Python-based computational platform to automate seismic design, nonlinear structural model construction and analysis of steel moment resisting frames - Guan, X., Burton, H. V. and Sabol, T. (2020) Engineering Structures 224, 11199.
Out-of-plane (flatwise) behavior of through-tenon connections using the integral mechanical attachment technique -Rezaei Rad, A., Burton, H. V. and Weinand, Y. (2020) Construction and Building Materials 262, 120001.
Macroscopic model for spatial timber plate structures with integral mechanical attachments -Rezaei Rad, A., Burton, H. V. and Weinand, Y. (2020) ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, 146 (10), 04020200.
Hindcasting the functional loss and restoration of the Napa water system following the 2014 earthquake using discrete event simulation -Tomar, A., Burton, H. V., Mosleh, A. and Lee, J. (2020) ASCE Journal of Infrastructure Systems, 26 (4), 04020035.
Multi-scale cost-benefit analysis of the Los Angeles story ordinance -Yi, Z., Burton, H. V., Shokrabadi, M. and Issa, O. (2020) Engineering Structures 214,
Database of test results from steel and reinforced concrete infilled frame experiments -Huang, H. and Burton, H. V. (2020) Earthquake Spectra, 36 (3), 1525-1548.
Simulation-based assessment of post-earthquake functionality of buildings with disruptions to cross-dependent utility networks - Masoomi, H., Burton, H. V., Tomar, A. and Mosleh, A. (2020) ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering 145(5), 04020079.
Development and utilization of a database of infilled frame experiments for numerical modeling -Huang, H., Burton, H. V., Sattar, S. (2020) ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering 146(6), 04020070.
Classifying earthquake damage to buildings using machine learning -Mangalathu, S., Sun, H., Nweke, C., Yi, Z. and Burton, H. V. (2020) Earthquake Spectra 36(1), 183-208.
A framework and case study for integrating household decision-making into post-earthquake recovery models - Burton, H. V., Kang, H., Miles, S., Nejat, A. and Yi, Z. (2019), International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 37, 1-13.
Experimental push-out investigation on the in-plane force-deformation behavior of integrally-attached timber through-tenon joints - Rad, A. R., Weinand, Y. and Burton, H. V. (2019), Construction and Building Materials 215, 925-940.
Probabilistic assessment of seismic force demands in biaxially loaded columns in chevron-configured special concentrically braced frames - Burton, H. V., Doorandish, N. and Sabol, T (2019), AISC Engineering Journal 56(2), 109-122.
Classification of in-plane failure modes for reinforced concrete frames with infills using machine learning, - Huang, H. and Burton, H. V. (2019), Journal of Building Engineering 25, 1-11.on).
Seismic risk assessment of a 42-story reinforced concrete dual-system building considering mainshock and aftershock hazard - Zhang, Y., Burton, H. V., Shokrabadi, M. and Wallace, J. (2019), ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering 145(11), 1-13.
Combination Rules Used to Account for Orthogonal Seismic Effects: State-of-the-Art Review - Wang, J., Burton, H. V. and Dai, K. (2019), ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering 145(11), 1-13.
Deep learning-based classification of earthquake-impacted buildings using textual damage descriptions - Mangalathu, S. and Burton, H. V. (2019), International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 36, 1-10.
Reconstructing seismic response demands across multiple tall buildings using kernel-based machine learning methods - Sun, H., Burton, H. V. and Wallace, J. W. (2019), Structural Control and Health Monitoring 26(7), 1-26.
Performance assessment of through-tenon timber joints under tension loads - Rad, A. R., Burton, H. V. and Weinand, Y. (2019), Construction and Building Materials 207, 706-721.
Regional short-term and long-term risk and loss assessment under sequential seismic events - Shokrabadi, M. and Burton, H. V. (2019), Engineering Structures 185, 366-376.
Pattern recognition approach to assess the residual structural capacity of damaged tall buildings - Zhang, Y. and Burton, H. V. (2019), Structural Safety 78, 12-22.
Integrating performance based engineering and urban simulation to model post-earthquake housing recovery - Burton, H. V., Miles, S.B. and Kang, H. (2018), Earthquake Spectra 34(4), 1763-1785.
Probabilistic evaluation of combination rules for seismic force demands from orthogonal ground motion components - Burton, H. V., Doorandish, N. and Shokrabadi, M. (2018), Engineering Structures 177, 234-243.
Parameterized fragility functions for controlled rocking steel braced frames - Moradi, S., Burton, H. V. and Kumar, I. (2018), Engineering Structures 176, 254-264.
Seismic Performance of a Self-Centering Steel Moment Frame Building: From Component-Level Modeling to Economic Loss Assessment - Guan, X., Burton, H. V., and Moradi, S. (2018), Journal of Constructional Steel Research 150, 129-140.
Towards a community of practice for disaster recovery modeling - Miles, S.B., Burton, H. V., and Kang, H. (2018), Natural Hazards Review 19(1), 1-11.
Integrating performance based engineering and urban simulation to model post-earthquake housing recovery - Burton, H. V., Miles, S.B. and Kang, H. (2018), Earthquake Spectra 34(4), 1763-1785.
Replicating the recovery following the 2014 South Napa earthquake using stochastic process models - Kang, H. and Burton, H. V. (2018), Earthquake Spectra 34(3), 1247-1266.
Adaptive decision-making for civil infrastructure systems and communities subjected to evolving risks - Yun, J. Y., Burton, H. V. and Lallemant, D. (2018), Structural Safety 75, 1-12.
Response surface analysis and optimization of controlled rocking steel braced frames - Moradi, S. and Burton, H. V. (2018), Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering 16(10), 4861-4892.
Risk-based assessment of aftershock and mainshock-aftershock seismic performance of reinforced concrete frames - Shokrabadi, M. and Burton, H. V. (2018), Structural Safety 73, 64-74.
Building service life economic loss assessment under sequential seismic events - Shokrabadi, M. and Burton, H. V. (2018), Earthquake Engineering Structural Dynamics, 47(9), 1864-1881.
Impact of sequential ground motion pairing on mainshock-aftershock structural response and collapse performance assessment- Shokrabadi, M., Burton, H. V., and Stewart, J. (2018), ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, 144(10), 1-13.

Journal Publications 2014 - 2017
A machine-learning framework for assessing post-earthquake structural safety - Zhang, Y., Burton, H. V., Sun, H. and Shokrabadi, M. (2017), Structural Safety 17, 1-16.
Interbuilding interpolation of peak seismic response demands using spatially correlated demand parameters - Sun, H., Burton, H. V., Zhang, Y. and Wallace, J. W. (2017), Earthquake Engineering Structural Dynamics, 47(5), 1168-1188.
Ground motion intensity measures for rocking building systems - Shokrabadi, M. and Burton, H. V. (2017), Earthquake Spectra, 33(4), 1533-1554.
Integrating visual damage simulation, virtual inspection and collapse capacity to evaluate post-earthquake structural safety of buildings - Burton, H. V. and Deierlein, G. (2017), Earthquake Engineering Structural Dynamics, 47(2), 298-310.
Measuring the impact of enhanced building performance on the seismic resilience of a residential community - Burton, H. V., Deierlein, G, Lallemant, D. and Singh, Y. (2017), Earthquake Spectra, 33(4), 1347-1367.
Estimating aftershock collapse vulnerability using mainshock intensity, structural response and physical damage indicators - Burton, H. V., Sreekumar, S., Sharma, M. and Sun, H. (2017), Structural Safety 68, 85-96.
A framework and case study for earthquake vulnerability assessment of incrementally expanding buildings - Lallemant, D., Burton, H. V., Ceferino, L., Bullock, Z. and Kiremidjian, A. (2017), Earthquake Spectra, 33(4), 1369-1384.
Quantifying the reduction in collapse safety of mainshock-damaged reinforced concrete frames with infills - Burton, H. V. and Sharma, M. (2017), Earthquake Spectra, 33(1), 25-44.
A rocking spine for enhanced seismic performance of reinforced concrete frames with infills - Burton, H. V., Deierlein, G., Mar, D., Mosalam, K., Rodgers, J. and Gunay, S. (2016), ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering., 142(11), 1-11
Framework for Incorporating Probabilistic Building Performance in the Assessment of Community Seismic Resilience - Burton, H. V., Deierlein, G., Lallemant, D., and Lin, T. (2015), ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, 142 (8), 1-11.
Statistical procedures for developing earthquake damage fragility curves - Lallemant, D., Kiremidjian, A., and Burton, H. V. (2015), Earthquake Engineering Structural Dynamics, 44(9), 1373-1389
Simulation of seismic collapse in nonductile reinforced concrete frame buildings with masonry infills - Burton, H. V., and Deierlein, G. G. (2014), ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, 140(8), 1-10.
Conference Proceedings and Presentations
A framework for performance-based analytics driven design - Burton, H. (2018), 11th U.S. National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Los Angeles, California
Towards the seismic resilience of residential communities: a conceptual framework and case study - Burton, H., Kang, H. (2017) 16th World Conference on Earthquake, Santiago, Chile
Application of the US resiliency council seismic rating procedure to two tall buildings designed by alternative means - Burton, H., Wang, S., Zhang, Y., Wallace, J.
(2016) Los Angeles, California
A framework for water distribution system exposed to seismic events and evolving conditions - Lee, J.Y., Tomar, A., Burton, H. (2018), 11th U.S. National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Los Angeles, California
Seismic response sensitivity of controlled rocking steel braced frames - Saber, M.., Burton, H. (2018), Fredericton, Canada
Resilience-based performance standards for buildings and lifeline systems - Poland, C., Burton, H. (2018), 11th U.S. National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Los Angeles, California
A new macro modeling approach in structural analysis of integrally-attached timber plate structures - Rad, A.R., Burton, H., Weinand, Y. (2019), Compwood Conference
Application of the random forest machine learning in assessing the post-earthquake structural safety of damaged buildings - Zhang. Y., Burton, H., Han, S., Shokrabadi, M. (2017), 12th Int. Conf. on Structural Safety and Reliability, Vienna, Austria
Assessing the scale of environmental impacts from a major California earthquake - Burton, H., Deierlein, G., and Lepech, M. (2011), Proceedings, 80th Annual Structural Engineers Association of Northern California Convention, Las Vegas, Nevada.
Seismic retrofit of non-ductile reinforced concrete infill frame building using rocking spines - Burton, H., and Deierlein, G., (2012), Proc., International Conference on Earthquake Engineering Research, Harbin, China.
A rocking spine for enhanced seismic performance of concrete frame buildings with infills, Keynote Presentation - Burton, H. 2013, Institute of Structural Engineers, Caribbean Division, Bridgetown, Barbados.
Performance-based Engineering as a Tool for Developing Earthquake Resilient Communities - Burton, H., and Deierlein, G. (2014), Presentation, Special Session on Application of Resilience Design Concepts in Structures, ASCE/SEI Structures Congress, Boston, Massachusetts.
A rocking spine for enhanced seismic performance of concrete frame buildings with infills - Burton, H., Deierlein, G. (2014), Proc. 10th National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Anchorage, Alaska.
Assessing the post-earthquake recovery of the housing capacity of a residential community- Burton, H., and Deierlein, G. (2014), Proc., International Conference on Urban Disaster Reduction, Boulder, Colorado.
Measuring the impact of enhanced seismic performance on the resilience of a residential community - Burton, H., and Deierlein, G. (2015), Presentation, Special session on building community resilience using performance-based earthquake engineering, ASCE/SEI Structures Congress, Portland, Oregon.