Our group is committed to reducing the sociotechnical impacts of natural hazard events on communities. To support this vision, we maintain a diverse, inclusive and thriving group of scholars that are dedicated to multidisciplinary research and teaching under the broad theme of natural hazards engineering. Our core competencies are in the areas of structural/earthquake engineering and the application of probability and statistics to challenges associated with the built environment. However, due to the multidisciplinary scope of the problems posed by natural hazards, we have established meaningful partnerships with individuals and groups from a range of disciplines including geography, sociology, psychology, computer science and statistics. Thus far, we have worked on problems related to developing resilient and sustainable buildings, post-earthquake recovery of residential communities, seismic risk and resilience quantification of tall building clusters in urban environments and seismic risk mitigation strategies for woodframe buildings. Ultimately, our work informs decisions and policies aimed at enhancing the resilience of communities to natural hazard events.
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
5731D Boelter Hall
University of California, Los Angeles, CA 90095
Phone: 510-512-8355